Sermon Notes
- Nehemiah’s burden for his people turned into a vision from God – Availability – Nehemiah 2:11
- He was concerned about the physical protection of God’s chosen people·
- He was concerned about the spiritual protection of God’s chosen people
- Nehemiah shows compassion for his people and leads them with a servant’s heart – Vulnerability – Nehemiah 5:14 – 19; 8:10·
- He sees the need of the people and provides for them
- He sees their grief of the people and encourages themNehemiah’s vision from God turned into action with specific, measurable goals. - Adaptability – Nehemiah 1:17 - 18
- He developed the teams to rebuild the wall while protecting the people.
- He stayed on mission for God despite external and internal opposition.Nehemiah consulted God before making decisions – Decidability – Nehemiah 1:4-6·
- Four times he prayed about the opposition coming against and among God’s people· Four times he prayed to restorethe spiritual health of God’s people·
- Two times he prayed for the nationof Judah while he is in Persia·
- Nehemiah shared his heart and passion with God and the power of God’s answer was evident in all he did
- Nehemiah had a reverence for Scripture and communicated the importance of Scripture to God’s people. – Communicability – Nehemiah 12:27 - 31·
- The people of Judah asked Ezra to read the Scripture - Nehemiah 8:1·
- The people of Judah showed their commitment to Scripture by the length of time they spent listening. – Nehemiah 8:3·
- The people of Judah responded by repentance and obedience to God’s Word·
- The people joyfully celebrated the dedication of the walls of Jerusalem to God.
Application to us
- Obey the vision God has given to you
- Pray with a heart of passion and urgency to God
- Expect and prepare for opposition
- Be vulnerable and compassionateto the people you are examples to
- Lead the people who follow and serve you to seek a holy God and reverence His name and His Word
- Be willing to accept responsibilityfor your actions whether good or bad
- Communicate that in all we do, we are to glorify the Lord – Nehemiah 8:10
Twenty-One Leadership Principles from the Life of Nehemiah Donald Campbell
- He established a reasonable and attainable goal.
- He had a sense of mission.
- He was willing to get involved.
- He rearranged his priorities in order to accomplish his goal.
- He patiently waited for God’s timing.
- He showed respect to his superior.
- He prayed at crucial times.
- He made his request with tact and graciousness.
- He was well prepared and thought of his needs in advance.
- He went through proper channels.
- He took time (three days) to rest, pray, and plan.
- He investigated the situation firsthand.
- He informed others only after he knew the size of the problem.
- He identified himself as one with the people.
- He set before them a reasonable and attainable goal.
- He assured them God was in the project.
- He displayed self-confidence in facing obstacles.
- He displayed God’s confidence in facing obstacles.
- He did not argue with opponents.
- He was not discouraged by opposition.
- He courageously used the authority of his position.